Make your Payroll Management hassle-free
SchoolEasy brings together a one-stop solution to all your Payroll management troubles. Create and define pay heads, pay groups and assign employees accordingly. Manage pay heads by specifying pay brackets and their nature, formulas and amounts - all of this along with easy import & export across softwares!
Define Pay Heads
This module lets you create custom pay groups, name pay heads, allocate codes for easy interpretation and add custom formulas for automatic calculations of net payable amount. You can also assign employees to their respective pay groups as per their designations.
Define Payroll Groups
Easily segregate and group employees as per their designated salary structures.
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    Net Payable Amounts at a glance

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    Summarized View for Additive & Deductive Payheads

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    Detailed View for Modifying & Deleting

Define Salary Structures
Create, view & manage salary structures for your employees with in-depth payroll structure breakdowns
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    Individual Employee View

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    Well-defined Additives & Deductives

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    Auto-generated Net Payable Amounts

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    Review & Edit for Every Employee

Manage Payslips & transactions
Get all payslips and transaction details in easy-to-export & import formats. With internal linkages to Attendance module, view payable amounts with leave details and days worked against each employee name and code. Generate payslips at the click of a button and print away as per your need!
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